In this post I want to share some recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications. For those who are keen to gain certifications about it or just want to learn more about the service.
In a previous post I provided some advice if Microsoft certifications are your New Year’s resolution. Since I covered Azure Databricks certifications in my last post I thought I better cover certifications for Azure Synapse Analytics.
In reality I will focusing mostly on the below two certifications in this post. Along with mentioning some training routes and sharing plenty of links.

However, I do want to point out something very important first. Which I mentioned before in my post about passing the DP-500 exam.
Before looking to gain either of the above certifications I recommend at the very least studying the material for the DP-900 exam first. Which is the exam you need to pass to gain the Azure Data Fundamentals certification.

This will give basic understanding of Azure Synapse Analytics. Plus, an appreciation of other services that it can connect with.
Note that since this post was first published Microsoft have announced that they are going to retire the DP-500 exam on the exam page. It will be replaced by the DP-600 exam which focuses on Microsoft Fabric.

You can read more about the retirement announcement in the Microsoft post about in-demand news for in-demand skills.
Azure Data Engineer Associate certification
In my last post about Azure Databricks certifications I covered the DP-203 exam. Which is the exam that you need to pass in order to gain the Azure Data Engineer Associate certification.
However, if you read the skills measured in DP-203 study guide you can see that you also need a lot of Azure Synapse Analytics knowledge for the exam.
This is due to the fact that this exam focuses on a broad spectrum of Azure Data Engineering services. Some of which are shown in various solution ideas from Microsoft online. For example, the solution ideas provided by Microsoft for Advanced Analytics and Data Management with Azure Purview.
Personally, I recommend going through the recommended Microsoft Learn material towards the bottom of the DP-203 exam page if you are keen on Azure Synapse Analytics. Even if you are not thinking about taking the exam. Because it covers a lot of ground.
Finally, be aware that the skills measured for this exam are due to be updated on February 6, 2023.
Azure Enterprise Data Analyst certification
I covered my route to passing the DP-500 exam in a previous post. Which is the exam you need to pass to gain the Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate certification.
How does this exam differ from the DP-203 exam required for the Azure Data Engineer Associate certification?
Well for a start, the DP-203 exam focuses on a broad range of services. Whereas if you read the DP-500 study guide you can see that it focuses mostly on Microsoft Purview, Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI.
Microsoft created this exam in order to focus on visualization, analytics and governance. You can read more about why it was introduced in the Microsoft post ‘Coming soon: The new Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate certification‘.
Personally, I like this exam because it gives that extra bit of attention to detail with these three services. You can read my recommended exam path to gaining this certification in my post about passing the DP-500 exam.
With his in mind, if you are looking to do both of the above exams I recommend that you do the DP-203 exam first. Ideally using the below exam path.

Be aware that the skills measured for the DP-500 exam are also changing on February 6, 2023.
Other Azure Synapse Analytics exam advice
In reality, an instructor led training course can be great with the right teacher. Because you get provided with the relevant material and can ask them questions during the course.
In addition to the official Microsoft courses there are some custom ones available. For example, Nikola Ilic provides a customized training course about mastering the DP-500 exam. Applications for February are apparently still open.
I do have another piece of advice for those of you who want to learn more about working with Spark inside Azure Synapse Analytics. It highlights another crossover with my previous Azure Databricks post that some do not realize.
In my previous post I mentioned about the Databricks Academy. Which you can log into if you are a Databricks customer, Databricks partner or you are a Microsoft employee.
Going through some of the material on there can improve your knowledge about working with Spark in Azure Synapse Analytics. For example, material about working with Delta Lakes. So, it is worth checking if you can get access to it.
For more general Microsoft certification advice read my post that covers advice if Microsoft certifications are your New Year’s resolution.
Data Toboggan video
After this post was published I went on to do a session about recommended certifications for Azure Synapse enthusiasts. It is now available to watch on YouTube.
Final words about recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications
I hope my recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications has helped make things clear for some of you. Especially since some of you have new certifications in mind as part of your New Year’s resolutions.
Plus, given you insights to some of the additional training material available.
Of course, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.
[…] Recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications via Kevin Chant […]
[…] I covered the Azure Enterprise Data Analyst certification in my last post. Where I shared recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications. […]
[…] Microsoft certifications are your New Years resolution. Since then I have covered Azure Databricks, Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI certifications. You can click on the previous links to view those posts in […]
[…] You can find out more about the DP-500 exam in a post I wrote about recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications. […]
[…] In addition, some of you are looking into new services so that you can gain new certifications. Like the ones I covered in a previous post about recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications. […]
[…] If your are keen to learn more, I wrote a post a while back which covers recommended Azure Synapse Analytics certifications. […]
Hi Kevin,
First of all, thank you for such a informative post.
I am currently working in Power BI, Azure Data Lakes, and Azure Synapse Analytics, having successfully attained PL-300 and DP-900 certifications. I am contemplating pursuing the Azure Data Engineer certification. Although initially focused on preparing for DP-203, I have encountered challenges due to the extensive content and my limited hands-on experience with other Azure services.
While your suggested learning path recommends DP-203 before DP-500, I am considering the possibility of pursuing DP-500 first. Given my existing skill sets, I wonder if taking DP-500 might align more closely with my current capabilities. Additionally, I am curious to know if obtaining DP-500 prior to DP-203 could potentially enhance my chances of securing a position as an Azure Data Engineer?
The DP-500 is good if you want to focus on Power BI and Azure Synapse. There is a newer DP-600 exam which focuses on Microsoft Fabric that you might want to look into as an alternative.
Kind regards
Just to add to this, they have just announced that the DP-500 exam will be retired soon so you might want to focus on the DP-600 exam instead.
Thank you Kevin for letting me know that DP-500 will be retired soon. My focus is going to be DP-200 as suggested.
Okay, just be aware that the DP-203 focuses more on the PaaS services and the DP-600 focuses more on Microsoft Fabric.