In this post I want to discuss a personal 2019 PASS election vote. As of today you will have up until 12th November to vote on who you want to sit on the PASS board for two years.
You can read more about this years election in detail here, however for me one candidate stands out.
Johan Ludvig Brattås
Johan Ludvig Brattås has done a lot for the Data Platform community over the years. In addition, he had done other volunteer work outside of the Data Platform community.
Which you can read about in his candidate bio here. In addition, you can read his PASS application form for the board in detail here.
In fact, whilst I am writing this post, Johan is preparing to deliver three separate sessions at PASS Summit.
Because Johan has done so much, I previously nominated him for an MVP award. Of course, that was before the rules changed.
Because apparently now only MVP’s and Microsoft employees are eligible to nominate people.
Anyway, because of this I also happen to know Johan is involved in a lot of other things. For example, as it’s suggested in his bio, I know Johan has mentored women in technology.
I truly believe that on the PASS board Johan would serve in the best interests of the Data Platform community. Hence, I personally think that Johan is well suited for this role at PASS.
For full disclosure, I should add that technically me and Johan currently work for the same group.
However, I knew Johan well before I started working for the same group.
When Johan was first discussing the elections on Twitter I came up with the #voteforJohan hashtag. Because Johan appears to like it, I have been using it since.
In fact, I even went as far as to do the below 3D logo for it so that I had an image for this post. Of course, you are more than welcome to reuse this elsewhere.

Final word
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post because I truly believe Johan would serve the PASS board in the best interest of the community.
Which is why Johan gets my personal 2019 PASS election vote.
Of course, we are all entitled to our own views on who to vote for, and you are more than welcome to comment about them here.
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