Reading Time: 4 minutes Call for speakers for DataWeekender v4.2 is now open. You can submit a session for this free community event it by following this link to…
A blog about Microsoft Data Platform offerings
Reading Time: 4 minutes Call for speakers for DataWeekender v4.2 is now open. You can submit a session for this free community event it by following this link to…
Reading Time: 4 minutes DataWeekender v3.1 call for speakers ends in seven days. It ends on April 10th, 11:59PM CEST. You can still submit potential sessions for it by…
Reading Time: 4 minutes I want to cover some initial thoughts about second DataWeekender in this post. Because it took place last weekend and it is still fresh in…
Reading Time: 4 minutes In this post I want to cover what is new for the next DataWeekender event. Because I want to highlight some important facts. Recap Just…