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Install SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In this post I want to cover how to install SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools.

I decided to do this post after some feedback I received about SqlPackage after a series of posts about deploying dacpacs to serverless SQL Pools. For example, my post about deploying a dacpac to a serverless SQL pool.

Because in order to deploy dacpacs to serverless SQL Pools you must update SqlPackage. Plus, updating SqlPackage during a deployment can help resolve various issues.

Those who work with dedicated SQL Pools or Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouses will find this useful as well. Due to the fact that the newer versions of SqlPackage contain various updates.

For example, SqlPackage now supports the DW_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL setting. Which allows you to work with Multi-Column Distribution (MCD).

With this in mind, I thought I better go through various ways to update SqlPackage if intending to use it to deploy dacpacs to serverless SQL Pools.

Install or upgrade SqlPackage locally

You must install or upgrade SqlPackage locally for the following scenarios when looking to use SqlPackage to extract from a serverless SQL Pool:

To save me re-inventing the wheel, Microsoft provides various ways to install SqlPackage on their page about how to download and install SqlPackage.

However, the simplest way to install it and to get it to work with either an Azure Pipelines agent or GitHub Runner locally is to issue the below command:

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage

Upgrade or install SqlPackage for Azure Pipeline deployments

When you are looking to deploy a dacpac using Azure Pipelines and you are using a remote Azure Pipelines agent you must install or upgrade SqlPackage on there.

To clarify, when I say remote Azure Pipelines agent, I mean either:

In reality, there are various ways you can do this.

For example, say I decided to change the classic editor pipeline that I used in my post about deploying a dacpac to a serverless SQL pool. So that it used a Microsoft-hosted agent instead.

First, I change the agent settings to use a Microsoft-hosted agent based on the latest image of Windows.

Change to a Microsoft-hosted agent
Change to a Microsoft-hosted agent

I then add a new PowerShell task called ‘Install SqlPackage’.

New task to install SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools
New task

Which contains the below line of code to install SqlPackage as a dotnet tool. This makes it easy for me to re-use the existing code I created before in the other PowerShell task.

dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage

Afterwards, I select ‘Save & queue’ and the extract completes and again I have an artifact that contains a dacpac.

Completed extract with a new artifact to work with serverless SQL Pools
Completed extract with a new artifact

To check all is well I download the dacpac and view the contents of the model.xml file inside it. To check that it has the same Database Schema Provider (DSP) that I mentioned in my homemade serverless SQL Pool database project post.

After confirming that is is the same one, I go over to the Releases feature in Azure Pipelines. First, I change my release to use a Microsoft-hosted agent using the same image.

Change to Microsoft-hosted agent
Change to a Microsoft-hosted agent

From there, I create a new release. Which completes fine, as you can see below.

Completed release which deployed contents of dacpac to a serverless SQL Pool
Completed release

Installing SqlPackage to work with dacpacs in a YAML pipeline

To do the above in a YAML pipeline in Azure Pipelines you can add the new task into an existing stage.

For example, to get it to work in my public AzureDevOps-SynpaseServerlessSQLPool-dacpac repository I can add the below code to my Build dacpac stage.

You can see this for yourself in the new GitHub Actions workflow that I created in the repository called serverlessSQLPool-sqlpackage-install-first.yml.

- task: PowerShell@2
          targetType: 'inline'
          script: |
            dotnet tool install -g microsoft.sqlpackage

Final words about installing SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools

I hope this post about how to install SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools helps some of you. As aware some of you found have found this an obstacle.

Of course, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.

Published inAzure DevOpsAzure Synapse AnalyticsMicrosoft Fabric



    agentpool – The name of the agent pool you want to use (ideally a self-hosted one with latest sqlpackage installed). Otherwise you must put additional logic in this pipeline to deploy latest version of sqlpackage onto the agent

    How to implement this logic in YAML?

  2. […] You can download this update on the ‘Download and install SqlPackage‘ page. To download it onto an Azure Pipelines Agent during deployment you can read a newer post which covers how to install SqlPackage to work with dacpacs for serverless SQL Pools. […]

  3. Reitse Eskens Reitse Eskens

    Goodmorning Kevin,

    Quick question, does the deployment still only support username/password or are there other options available? Options like service principal, managed identity or Azure logins might add to the security of this process.

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