In this post I want to share some thoughts about PASS Data Community Summit 2022. Since I attended it last week.
Plus, I also presented there as well. Which I mentioned in a previous post. I presented a session called ‘Figuring out your Data Certification Path‘.
Where I covered various things relating to Data Platform certifications. Including advice on how to pass the DP-500 exam.
It was a great experience. Mostly due to the fact that it was the first time that I had spoken in America. Even though I have been speaking around Europe for over a decade.
I also done my good deed for the day right after that session as well. By helping somebody who was in need of a battery. Plus, I brought along some stroopwafels from the Netherlands. Which mostly ended up in the speaker room.
PASS Data Community Summit 2022 session thanks
I really must thank the organizers and the technical crew in the room. Due to the fact that they helped me setup two laptops for this session. One for the session slides and another for the online content that I showed during the session.

I used two laptops so that I could seamlessly swap between the slides and the other material I was showing, whilst keeping the slides running in extend mode. If I had done the same in duplicate mode it would have meant the audience seeing the inevitable flipping back and forth.
Doing this To be honest I am thinking about setting up something small like a Raspberry Pi for slides in the future. So that I can switch between that and a laptop when I present sessions.
Another MVP has already asked me if it is OK if they can copy my idea since I shared my thoughts with them. Which I am completely fine with. Because if other speakers adopt this idea, it will mean smoother sessions for attendees.
Sessions and catching up
Due to the fact that my session was on Wednesday I got to attend a lot of great sessions as well. Including one about Azure Data Factory by Meagan Longoria. Which I thought was interesting for a variety of reasons.
Because as well as sharing great knowledge, Meagan acknowledged the efforts of others in the community as well. I think sessions like this are great.
During the event I got to catch up with a lot of great people as well. Including a lot of people whom I had not seen in-person for four years. Such as Chris Hyde and Martin Catherall.
Plus, I got the chance to meet some people for the first time in-person. Including community superstar Deepthi Goguri and Adriano da Silva.
I also spoke to some of the event sponsors. Including Microsoft, who informed me that they have some new initiatives for those looking to gain new Microsoft certifications after I told them that I was covering certifications that day.
As some of you have probably heard, there were some big announcements at this event. Including the fact that SQL Server 2022 is now GA (Generally Available).
Plus, Azure Synapse Link for SQL is now GA. Which includes the Azure Synapse Link for SQL Server 2022, a feature that I have covered in previous posts.
Final words about PASS Data Community Summit 2022
I hope my thoughts about PASS Data Community Summit 2022 have made for an interesting read. Because I enjoyed attending as both a speaker and an attendee. Which I think Mikey Bronowski captured perfectly with his two different selfies with me.
In reality, it has been a fairly busy month for me. Due to the fact that I also spoke for SQL Server User Group Croatia right before the event.
Plus, I am also in this month’s edition of the Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft MVP series. Where I cover using CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools.
Anyway, all that is left for me to say is thank you to everybody involved with the event. Here are my contact details again in case anybody wants to reach out to me about any of the content in my session.

[…] do this video even though it has been a busy time for me recently. For various reasons, including PASS Data Community Summit and making a few videos for the […]