In this post I want to cover my own views about gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate certification from Microsoft. Because I gained it last night and it is still fresh in my mind.
I wanted to gain this certification for various reasons. Including my new role as a Lead BI & Analytics architect. Along with other thoughts, some of which I shared in a previous post here.
Common question about certification
Even though I have only just passed this exam I have already been asked the same question a couple of times. Which is did I do the DP-200 and DP-201 exams to gain the certification or the new DP-203 exam instead?
To clarify, I took the DP-200 and DP-201 exams for personal reasons.
However, I recommend taking the DP-203 exam to anybody else who is looking to gain this certification. Due to the fact that the DP-200 and DP-201 exams are due to retire on June 30.
In reality, I will not be going through the DP-203 material in Microsoft Learn to cover topics the previous exams did not cover. Instead, you can find those topics listed at the bottom of the DP-203 certification page here.
Azure Data Engineer Associate Study material
I studied for this exam using various materials. Including the recommend Microsoft Learn material at the bottom of the certification pages. Which covered services like Azure Databricks and Azure Stream Analytics.
It took a while, however it was worth it.
In addition, I also watched Pluralsight videos linked to the two exams and did the official Microsoft practice tests courtesy of MeasureUp.
Of course, doing all this took a while and doing the official courses might have speeded up this process. You can read various exam preparation tips put together by Microsoft here.
Final word
I hope my post about gaining the Azure Data Engineer Associate Microsoft certification proved useful to you.
As always, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.
Now that I have done this, I intend to do my next personal challenge relating to Power BI. So, watch this space.

[…] I found this out after some feedback about my post about gaining the Azure Data Engineer certification. Which you can read about in detail here. […]